Dude Marketing Program

Want to be part of the Dude success story?

Want to earn some extra money to fund that next trip, buy some Dude or disc golf gear, join the next disc golf tournament, raise money for a good cause or any dream you have that needs extra funds.

Become a Dude Marketer by telling your friends and associates about Dude. You then earn commission on purchases made by them for up to 30 days after they visit Dude.
…so let’s partner up. Become a key part of our Marketing Program by completing our Dude Marketing registration form

Already a Dude Marketer? Login Here

What is Dude Marketing Program?

Tell your friends about Dude and refer them to www.dudeclothing.com If they buy any product within 30 days of visiting the site you receive a 10% commission (excluding shipping, taxes, returns and gift vouchers), paid to you monthly.  It’s that easy.

The more active you are in referring people, the more you earn. Or, if you prefer, you can elect to receive Dude Gift Vouchers to the value of 120% of what you would be paid in commission. So, for instance a $100 commission would earn you a $120 gift voucher instead.

You could:

1. Write a product review on the gear you have just purchased from Dude.
2. Add a banner or block ad to your site – supplied by Dude and instantly downloadable when you join the program.
3. Do a general rave about Dude, the quality and suitability of our gear to disc golfers.
4. Follow Dude on social media and get active in retweeting, reposting,
5. Check out the Blogs on the Dude site and use this info to rewrite your own stories about Dude.
6. Get creative and find ways to encourage your friends and associates to check Dude out.

The more active you are in referring people to Dude, the more you will earn.


We are always on the lookout for confident and successful retailers to take the Dude range. If you introduce us to a local retailer and they place a wholesale order, you will earn a $100 gift voucher. All you need to do is ask them to contact us or send us their details so we can be in touch with them. Make sure to tell us of your introduction.

We give you all the tools you need to track your sales and commissions.  We handle all the processing, postage and customer service. All you have to do is place a link (which we give you) on your email, website, blog, Instagram, Twitter feed or YouTube page and promote the good things about Dude. We’ll even give you the stories to tell and other creative material to promote Dude and touch base every month or so to help you along and provide support and encouragement.

How to join the Dude Marketing Program?

Joining is easy and it’s free!
Complete our Dude Marketing registration form
Once we review your application and relevant social media links, we will send you an approval email with all the tools you will need to get started, including a comprehensive User Manual that will ensure you set up right for success.

Contact Us if you have any queries prior to joining up.