We can all get into a bit of a rut when it comes to our disc golf routines. We head to the same course, we throw the same plastic, and we wear the same clothes. Perhaps we update our bag once ours is thoroughly trashed, but beyond that, we tend to fall into typical patterns.

If you’re a touring player, keeping your game fresh is essential for success. While we can’t necessarily speak to which discs you should throw, we can recommend gear that will offer you benefits and can withstand the test of time. Let’s review some of the DUDE essentials that every touring player needs.

  • A compression shirt: If you’ve never worn any kind of compression garment before, you’re in for a treat. You can read more about the variety of uses for this type of clothing and decide for yourself if it’s something you’ll benefit from. We’d guess that after playing one round in our Tech Arms, you’ll be a believer.    
  • A tech shirt: Tech shirts are a staple in the disc golf world, whether you’re a touring professional or you compete in your local tournaments on occasion. Known for wicking away moisture and moving with your every twist and turn, our Tech Tees help you stay comfortable while looking good. We offer a few different colors so you can express your style in whatever way you please.
  • Comfortable shorts: Summer will be here in the US before we know it, and shorts that breathe and move with you are crucial for staying on top of your game. That’s why we recommend our Ultimate Tech Stretch Shorts for practice rounds. Don’t knock the elasticized waistband until you try it – you’ll be able to move and throw with ease. 


  • Warm pants: Even during warmer months the mornings can still be cold. Think back to every tournament you’ve played and asked yourself if your putting warm up time could have been a little cozier. Great for wear on and off the course, every touring player needs a pair of Tracy Dacs. Fleece-lined and cut with a slim leg fit, it might actually be hard to take them off and put on something a little more appropriate for battling it out on the lead card.
  • A sharp looking hoodie: The perfect compliment to the Tracy Dacs, our DUDE Tech Hoodie blends benefits for disc golfers like large pockets and dry-fit lining with superior styling to create a hoodie that everyone will envy. Wear it during a casual round or while driving to your next tour stop. 


At DUDE we have a ton of selections that touring players need, so be sure to browse through both the men’s and women’s products. Since our gear is created by disc golfers for disc golfers, we take every aspect of your game into consideration.

What else might a touring player need to take their game to the next level? Are there certain items that you just can’t live without? Let us know all about your tools for success in the comments below.