Nearly anyone who has internet access has heard of the sport of disc golf, and when it’s mentioned in a casual setting, the comparison to traditional golf almost always comes up. While it’s a great way to describe the rules of the game as the two sports do share some similarities, both golf and disc golf are more alike than you may realize.
It’s clear that spending time outside while being physically active is a great way to stay healthy, but how exactly does disc golf compare to the age-old sport of golf? Let’s take a peek at some of the ways they can benefit you and how disc golf specifically is a great way to spend time with friends and family during the holidays.
Clubs And Balls
At its core, golf really is as simple as the above phrase, where the idea of sinking your ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible is something that many enjoy. The game naturally offers the benefits of stress reduction while at the same time stimulates your brain as you need to calculate each shot you take. As a low impact sport, you still get the benefit of taking thousands of steps per round and if you golf with friends, the added element of socialization just can’t be beat.
While golf offers a ton of great advantages to your life, how feasible is it to take a whole family out to the course for a round? In most cases, there’s a cost for equipment, green fees, and the expense of renting a cart, making it an activity that can cost a pretty penny when it’s all said and done. If that’s not in the budget this holiday season, what else can you do?
Frisbees In The Woods
That’s often what disc golf seems like right? While some courses are installed in heavily wooded areas, plenty of courses are in wide open parks and even on ball golf courses themselves! You can consider disc golf to be a great blend between traditional golf and hiking, as you still get a great workout while enjoying socialization and the chance to be competitive if you so choose.
Disc golf can be more strenuous than golf itself, and while it’s still a great sport for all ages, it offers the increased benefits of helping to control your weight and increase your muscle strength, lowers your risk of disease, and helps to boost your mood. Above all else, it’s a sport that is incredibly affordable.
Many disc golf courses are free to play, and purchasing a starter set of discs is typically fairly inexpensive. If you have friends or family visiting during the holidays, make the suggestion to head out to a disc golf course and see who can get the best score! Many people end up falling in love with the sport the first time they play, making disc golf an awesome way for families to bond and share a memorable experience together.
While traditional golf certainly still has its place in the world, disc golf is rapidly growing in popularity as a way to exercise with a minute risk of injury while in a setting where lifelong friendships can be made. Make it your goal to play at least one round this holiday season!
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