Although the internet allows us to find information on nearly any topic at a moment’s notice, sometimes this vast resource can actually complicate things when it comes to promoting an event. Do you post a disc golf tournament only on Facebook or should you advertise everywhere you can think of? Is that considered spamming?
Today we want to break down the options you have available for promoting your event on social media and other online outlets. Keep in mind there’s always room for flexibility, so you don’t have to follow this guide to the letter. Often times simply knowing what your options are can empower you to do things differently!
Disc Golf Websites
It goes without saying that in order to attract a lot of players to your event, you’ll need to promote it within the disc golf community. Tournaments that are sanctioned by the PDGA will be added to their event list, and even if you weren’t planning on going through those additional steps, it might be worth sanctioning your event to attract more players.
Another resource is the tournament list at Disc Golf Course Review. They make it very easy to add your event to this listing, and since it’s such a well-known resource for players everywhere, it might pay off to go through these few extra steps. For a detailed guide on how to add your event to their list, visit this page.
Obviously, at DUDE, we’re big fans of using our DUDE Community Events site to spread the word about clinics, tournaments, and more. Submitting an event here is very straightforward and will work to get more eyes on your big day.
Additional Resources
Your promotional efforts don’t have to be limited only to disc golf specific areas, as there are tons of other outlets to utilize. Most tournament directors like to create a Facebook event for their tournament, as this gives people an easy to see a snapshot of all the pertinent information.
Local meetup sites, event listing sites, and community calendars can also benefit your promotional efforts. Depending on where you live, these resources might be plentiful or they may not have much exposure, so it’s up to you to determine if the steps involved to advertise here are worth your time.
As Instagram has grown and changed you may also want to consider using it as a platform to advertise your event. Since you’re able to include links in post descriptions you could theoretically use it as a way to encourage registration. When using Facebook or Instagram, it always pays to have your hashtag game on point as well.
Use several that are generic like #discgolf or #discgolftournament as well as some that are specific to your club or area. You don’t have to get too crazy here, but if your community often uses the same few tags, they could help to boost exposure.
The ways in which you can promote your event are as varied as the events themselves, but it’s always a good idea to use as many media resources as possible. What types of advertisements have helped you to get a large turnout at your events? Let us know in the comments below!
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